EMAIL US: whiteassoc@adam.com.au
FIND US: Suite 3 459 Morphett St
Adelaide, SA 5000

CALL US: (08) 8212 1703
Have you ever wondered whether the staff you select or work with are good for your business ?
What if they have antisocial or psychopathic traits ?
What if they are not likely to handle stress ?
What if they are alcoholic or drug abusers ?
What if they are problem gamblers ?
What if they sexual predators ?
What if ..... ?
Well, White & Associates Psychologists can be of help. We provide a comprehensive risk assessment of staff that will answer those questions. This approach incorporates standardized measures to examine the individual's static and dynamic risk factors and their protective strengths.
Testing may take between 2 and 4 hours and a confidential comprehensive assessment and report will follow.
A modest feet will pay for peace of mind, and potentially save your business thousands, if not millions of dollars.
Would you drive a car without insurance?
Don't risk your business employing people who may not be what they seem.
South Australian legislation has recently changed the sentencing guidelines under the "(Home Detention) Act 2016" . This will enable young offenders to be given a "home detention" sentence as an alternative to imprisonment.
The main consideration for the Court is to ensure there is "community safety" when such an option is provided.
Research in the field of recidivism and risk assessment has demonstrated that individuals are very poor at judging the likelihood of reoffending. Statistically, professional judgment is poor - and no better than chance at predicting recidivism.
White & Associates Psychologists provide a comprehensive risk assessment based on a contemporary approach that utilizes a clinically adjusted actuarial risk methodology. This approach incorporates standardized measures to examine the individual's static and dynamic risk factors and their protective strengths.
When specific dynamic risk factors identify areas of concern (e.g. violence, substance abuse, sex offending, gambling, mental health ) further detailed measurement is incorporated to fine tune the level of risk.
Finally, treatment programs are recommended for such individual to further reduce community risk. The literature indicates that recidivism is significantly less likely while the individual is engaged in rehabilitation.
A standard fee equivalent to that of the Legal Services Commission 'Legal Aid' rate for a psychological report is charged for this assessment.